Monday, March 10, 2025

The Nod/Wells Timelines Expand

As I come to the end of my eighth year as an author and begin my ninth, I'm pleased to report that The Nod/Wells Timelines have officially begun to expand with the release of "8" earlier this year and the announcement of my next novel, "The Nemesis Legacy," which will make its debut in January of 2026!

At this point, The Timelines have become a real powerhouse in the world of speculative fiction, attracting new readers of sci-fi, horror, and thrillers of all sorts from around the world on a daily basis. I'm therefore certain that more than a few reading this are more than a little excited about the new books, so I'll be sure to talk more about "The Nemesis Legacy" in particular as its release approaches.

The Nemesis Legacy at Amazon (Kindle Edition Pre-Order)

That said, I'm also very aware that The Timelines have reached a level of intricacy and complexity that some readers may find at least somewhat daunting despite the standalone nature of each tale. I've therefore decided that my tenth book will be a compendium that I'll be releasing in 2027 to, among other things, thoroughly document the ins and outs of the universe as a whole and the relationships between its constituent parts. As you might imagine, that's a fairly significant task, which is why I'm giving myself quite a while to accomplish it, and in truth started that effort in earnest back in 2024.

Finally, I have a few additional "special projects" related to The Timelines in development that I'm not quite ready to talk about just yet, so I'll likely be posting about this subject at least once more this year.

All that to say that The Nod/Wells Timelines are indeed bigger and better than ever in 2025, and poised to be enhanced significantly over the next few years in ways that should be very interesting and compelling for fans of my various works set along them.

Until next time, happy reading, everybody!

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Next Level

The toughest hurdle any author attempting to earn a living from their work has to clear is the creation of a "fandom," a group of readers who consistently care enough to show up, open their wallets, and engage with said works each time the author publishes something new. That's a feat far easier said than done and after nearly eight years of attempting such a thing, I believe I may finally be on the verge of accomplishing it.

That doesn't mean I'm "rich," or "loaded," or any of the things the average person tends to associate with "success" in the literary world but what it does mean is that I'm closer than I've ever been to being able to "pay the bills" and live a decent, modest, "normal" life as someone who exclusively focuses on writing and publishing works of fiction.

Still, that would make me an extremely rare person, a fact that I'm constantly very aware of, even as I continue to pursue that goal. It's a funny thing, really, because there were so many times over these past eight years where things almost fell apart, where the sales dried up, or attention for and interest in my works appeared to wane, but in all those cases, things bounced back and, eventually, grew stronger and more consistent. The end result is, when looking at the "big picture" in terms of year-over-year growth, there's been a noteworthy increase in all the metrics that matter, indicating that I have indeed attracted and retained a significant number of "fans."

That said, with the release of my next book looming, I find myself once again wondering if this will be the tipping point, where I make the jump from just eking by to being able to move forward with a new level of confidence and, for the first time since this all started, certainty.

I'd very much like that to be the case as the next two writing projects I have in mind are going to require a considerable amount of time and focus to pull off properly, which would certainly be easier to do if "8" does as well as I hope it might.

So, if you are a "fan" of my efforts as an author, please don't hesitate to throw your support behind this upcoming release, or any of my existing works, as ultimately, you all truly are the only ones who can help me reach the next level.

Thanks, everybody!