Monday, September 17, 2012

The DayZ Update - 09/17/2012

Sadly, it's much the same story we've had the past few weeks with regard to "DayZ." Hacking is still a huge problem in the game despite several "ARMA II" beta patches, which has forced me to play it very casually– sticking to the southern coast and trying to have a little fun before some script kiddie shows up to ruin the experience.

Fortunately, there are tons of other great games to play that don't suffer from such issues but I definitely feel for those who are seriously invested in "DayZ" and don't want to play anything else. In a weird way, I even feel for the hackers. How bored and dissatisfied do you have to be to actually take pleasure in ruining other people's fun? I guess it's all they have, which is sad. :(

For those of you feeling adventurous despite the ever-present hacker threat, "DayZ Commander" has added support for a couple of the most-popular "DayZ" mods. That's right, there are mods for the mod.

While I'm not a big fan of it personally, "Lingor Island" is now easily playable through the launcher, as is "DayZ Takistan," which uses another official "ARMA II" map in place of "Chernarus." Obviously, neither of these mods is official and you'll end up on private hives with different characters if you play them but if you're looking for something different from your "DayZ" experience, "DayZ Takistan" in particular is worth a look in my opinion. I appreciate the spirit of what the "Lingor Island" folks are doing but the layout of the map just feels a little too haphazard for my taste.

In other news, I doubt that I'll be doing much more streaming of "DayZ" until the standalone game is released. We'll see. If 1.7.3 adds enough new stuff when it drops and gets the hacking at least somewhat under control, I may change my stance on that but I don't feel like the game makes for interesting livestreaming content in its current state– especially with so many other, more-established streamers already covering it.

You might see a little "DayZ" on tonight's stream depending on what the group is feeling but it could just as easily end up being more "Terraria" or "Guild Wars 2" or something else. Not sure at this point but I will definitely tweet it. As always, the stream will be on the blog's channel.

Until next time, have a good week folks! - DayZ -

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