Despite that...
Wanted to let everyone know that a new version of Powergrids (1.1) is now available via the iOS App Store. Current owners of the game who have it installed and are running at least iOS 4.3 should be getting an automatic update very soon if they haven't already.
The changes in the update are as follows:
- ADDED - Tap & Confirm input mode to Pause menu
- ADDED - "How to Play" video (YouTube)
- ADDED - Improved 4" Retina display support
- ADDED - Improved iPhone/iPod game backgrounds
- FIXED - Resetting Local Scores resets Local "Way to Score!" Achievement progress
This update is primarily designed to address the two most common issues players have indicated regarding the game:
#1 - Tapping the wrong square when playing
#2 - A tutorial and/or alternative to reading the Instructions
The following "How to Play" video, which can now be accessed directly from within the game, covers this in much more detail.
As always, I would greatly appreciate it if you would all help spread the word about this new version of the game. I know it's been a long time since the initial release but as I said in my interview with Joystiq last year, this was always meant to be a game people could come back to over time.
Having said that, this will probably be the only update for a while unless something unexpected comes up and needs to be addressed. Still, if you have any comments or suggestions about the game, feel free to send them to
Finally, if you enjoy Powergrids and would like to help promote it, please consider rating it and writing a review on the App Store. Ratings and reviews are extremely important to the success of iOS games and (beyond buying the app) they are the best things you can do to help and encourage me.
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