Sunday, August 26, 2012

The DayZ Update - 08/26/2012

You folks don't mind this being a day early do you? I didn't think so. :)

Another week on version of the mod has left me wondering just how big 1.7.3 will be when it finally arrives.

I imagine that Rocket and Co. must be cramming all sorts of new madness into it but there's been practically no official word in quite some time now.

Rocket has joined the Twitterverse as of this week and already has way more followers than me :( but I'm not bitter or anything. :)

His feed is pretty sparse at the moment aside from a somewhat-predictable tweet about how tricky the implementation of dogs has been but it's still nice to get his perspective on things.

The Hunger GameZ

Those of you who follow the "DayZ" streamers on most-likely already know all about the "Hunger GameZ" event that was organized by the "QuickNap Gaming" clan and caused "DayZ" to be the #1 game on "Twitch" for the first time ever (to the best of my knowledge).

The event was pretty great and had surprisingly few technical problems given how sketchy "DayZ" is under the best of circumstances. There were so many great streams and commentaries happening all at once that it was hard to decide what to watch moment to moment and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one, which seems all-but-inevitable given how well the inaugural event went.

If I had one suggestion for the QuickNap folks, it would be to get their web presence sorted out before the next event so that everyone has a good place to link to for information about it.

As it stands, I'll just direct you to QNOmniKai, who I've mentioned before in a previous post. His stream is generally of a very high quality and he's pretty much the man with the plan where QuickNap is concerned.

Video Bonanza

As this is the first "standalone" "DayZ Update," I wanted to do something a little special, so I've decided to release not one but two full episodes, including the epic "Season 0 Finale" that I hope you will all enjoy as much as I enjoyed making it.

NOTE: It's come to my attention that Episode 009 will not play on mobile and television-based devices or at all in Germany due to a copyright restriction with the song I used in it. Sadly, if you want to see it, you'll need to use a web browser on a traditional desktop or laptop computer. Guess that'll be the last time I use someone else's song in one of these. Sorry for any inconvenience folks.

My current thinking is that I'd like to wait for version 1.7.3 of "DayZ" to be released before I start filming "Season 1" but we'll see how things go. There's certainly more I could do and show of the game in its current state but with glitches like the graphical artifacting present in episode 009 still an issue as of, I'm reluctant to capture a bunch of video that's likely to become a lot less relevant once 1.7.3 is released.

Hopefully, these videos will keep everyone entertained for the time being and with any luck we'll at least hear something official about 1.7.3 in time for next week's update.

Until next time, have a good week folks! - DayZ -

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