Thursday, January 12, 2012

Division of Labor

I know. I know. It's been over three months since my last post and for that reason alone I don't expect that many people will see this right away, but if I'm going to keep this thing going I need to start somewhere so I might as well begin by explaining why there haven't been any posts for three months. :)

It should come as no surprise to anyone who read my last post that I've been spending considerable time and effort over the past few months promoting the release of "Powergrids" for iOS. In point of fact, I've spent nearly as much time marketing this version of the game as I spent creating it but I'm rapidly reaching the bottom of my bag of tricks and coming to the realization that I need to move on to a new project and let the cards fall where they will where "Powergrids" is concerned.

This is in no way a bad thing since I'm more than ready to move on creatively, but the simple truth is that the better "Powergrids" sells, the more options and flexibility I have when defining the scope of my next project, so it was very necessary for me to pursue every reasonable path toward making as many potential customers aware of it as possible.

As with anything in life, looking back on it, there are some things I definitely could have done better that I will absolutely be keeping in mind in the future, but overall, I'm happy with what I've done and learned thus far, and managed to pull off what I believe to be a few really great marketing coups for an indie iOS game created and marketed by a single person.

In particular, there is one remaining promotional effort, which should be bearing fruit within the next few days that I tend to view as a sort of "last chance" for mainstream recognition of the game. As a result, I've found myself compelled to consider two distinct outcomes that basically amount to nothing or everything about my future plans changing. Needless to say, waiting to see how that event plays out has proven... difficult, but it's also been very interesting in the sense that my overall goal will remain the same regardless of the outcome. The only thing that will change is the way I go about it.

I know that's all a bit cryptic but it's reflective of my current state of mind. A good analogy would be knowing that you're planning to go somewhere far away but not knowing until the last minute the mode of transportation. Will it be a rocket or a bicycle? That remains to be seen.

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