Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Today, I'm excited to announce that the Kindle Edition of my first-ever, short-fiction anthology, "Shards," is now available for pre-order from Amazon!

The book, which contains seven, new stories in addition to my previously-published novelette, "Academic Displacement," will be released on October 2nd, 2020. It will also be available as a paperback via Amazon at that time.

As you might imagine, I'm absolutely thrilled to officially announce this collection, which directly ties in to various aspects of my previously-published novels and sets up several elements that will be referenced in future releases. New readers should note that "Shards" does all of this while simultaneously existing as a self-contained work in its own right as has been my tradition since publishing "The Big Men" back in 2017.

A lot will be happening between now and the new book's release, starting with the launch of my @shotterwriting Twitter feed today. Be sure to "follow" it for all the latest information about my written works, including announcements, giveaways, reviews, and more! Best of all, this new feed will be 100% focused on promoting my efforts as a writer, which will allow me to make more frequent tweets, specifically targeted at my readers. Ideally, this will eliminate the need to occasionally saturate my personal feed with marketing and self-promotion posts as I've sometimes felt compelled to do in the past, and should also help to focus and improve my overall presence on social media.

As always, a huge thanks to all my readers, who've helped to make this moment, and my continuing evolution as a writer, possible!