Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Thoughts on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

In video game terms, "Counter-Strike" is legendary– a game that spawned from a humble mod to become one of the most popular first-person shooters of all time.

At this point, the game's legendary status is both a blessing and a curse. Despite being highly regarded by those who play it, it has done little if anything to attract new players for quite some time and the reception most new to "Counter-Strike" are likely to receive upon jumping into public multiplayer games can be downright hostile.

Enter "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" (CS:GO), which attempts to freshen up the "Counter-Strike" formula with refined visuals, interface and gameplay mechanics that strive to move it toward the norms established by other, more modern first-person shooters in some regards while remaining firmly rooted in the core elements that define the "Counter-Strike" experience.

If you already love "Counter-Strike," you probably already own CS:GO. You probably pre-ordered it just like I did, have been playing it since the beta and are currently hip-deep in a bloodletting of epic proportions even as you gaze menacingly with your free eye at this blog post, ready to strike down upon me with great vengeance and furious anger should I do anything but praise and fully endorse it.

Fear not hardcore CS:GO player, I indeed do think quite highly of this new version of the game and you can rest assured that the internet agrees with you. :)

Having said that, I feel there's some value in presenting some analysis of CS:GO that targets new and prospective players who may be considering it as their first "Counter-Strike" game or as an opportunity to return to the series after an absence.

For you folks, here's a video I made all by myself. :)

Hopefully, this has given everyone concerned a good idea of what to expect from CS:GO but just to sum up: If you like "Counter-Strike," CS:GO is a great, new version of it that's easily worth your time and money. If you've never played "Counter-Strike" or haven't played it in a while, check out the above video to help decide if CS:GO is right for you.

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