Friday, June 8, 2012

My 10 Most Anticipated Games from E3 2012

One of the best things about E3 is that it gives us as gamers an opportunity to see and get excited about games that we'll soon have the opportunity to play.

Despite having already spent WAY too much time blogging this week, I couldn't resist whipping up a quick list of the 10 games I'm most excited to play as a result of E3 2012:

#10 - Defiance (PC) - I've been really down on the MMO genre lately, but I have to admit that I'm genuinely interested in an action-focused MMO that has direct ties to a Sci-Fi TV series being produced in parallel. This is either going to be the best or worst thing ever but I'm very curious to check it out either way.

#9 - Forza: Horizon (XBOX 360) - I love the feel of the driving in Forza and I love the idea of putting together a dream team of developers from some of the most revered racing games of the past decade to bring that feel to an open-world car porn game. If Criterion weren't releasing a PC racing game this year, this would probably be higher on my list.

#8 - Darksiders II (PC) - Darksiders is one of the best, often-overlooked action/adventure games ever made. The sequel looks like a bigger, better version of it and that can't possibly be a bad thing.

#7 - The Amazing Spider-Man (PS3) - Please be good. Please be good. Please be good. Please be good...

#6 - The Last of Us (PS3) - I love the concept of this game (post-apocalyptic survival with a companion that depends on and compliments you) and I want to believe it will be great, but I am worried that it could slip into the same trap as "Uncharted" where it devolves into a few great scenes strung together with way too many kill rooms packed with unrealistic numbers of boring enemies. Here's hoping for the best.

#5 - Dead Space 3 (PC) - Never been a huge "Dead Space" fan, but I will play this just for the co-op, unless it requires Origin, in which case I'll pass. :)

#4 - Beyond: Two Souls (PS3) - New Quantic Dream game? Yes, please! :)

#3 - Watch Dogs (PC) - The most original and interesting thing I saw from E3 this year.

#2 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted (PC) - Oh Criterion, I love you so much and I want to play and love this game, but I'm worried this will be another one of those Origin-required fiascos. Still, if there was another game I'd suffer through Origin for besides "Battlefield 3," this is it.

#1 - Assassin's Creed III (PC) - SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! :)

I should note that there are several other games I'm really looking forward to this year like "Borderlands 2" (PC) and "X-COM: Enemy Unknown" (PC) but the above list represents the games that won me over or had a particularly great showing.

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