Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sit Rep 2

Been really cool to see the traffic being generated by my "DayZ" posts. I've had more page views here in the past two weeks than the previous two years. :) So, as promised, here's some more commentary on the latest build ( to kick off this week's sit rep.

The DayZ Update

Really feeling it for the build. I'm starting to enjoy the hatchet for quiet, 1-on-1 zombie kills now that I'm getting a better feel for its effective range. Being able to move it on and off of the tool belt to use a rifle without said hatchet taking up precious backpack slots is great as well.

Getting better at escaping from zombies but the mechanics of it could definitely use some more polish. Seems like the zombies still have too much sensory awareness when I round two or three quick corners and they still often come straight to me despite being hidden and silent. From what I've seen regarding the upcoming 1.7.2 patch, the planned effect of objects on sound and the zombies' ability to perceive it should help a lot. Can't wait for them to not be able to hear me through walls. Now if we could just get them to stop opening doors and climbing ladders. :)

Pro Tip: If you're going to answer your phone in real life while playing "DayZ," do yourself a favor and disconnect from the server. Lost a well-equipped character to a bandit because I wasn't as hidden as I thought I was while trying to help someone with a technical problem they were having. Doh!

Got my first taste of a sniper rifle (CZ500) today while playing with a buddy. I know they're not supposed to be that rare and I've found tons of Winchesters and Emfields and even some ARs and SMGs, but just never come across one. Took it out into a field and nailed a hopper from a pretty respectable range. Damn, that CZ is loud and damn does it attract attention. Ended up pulling and having to deal with about a half dozen infected that triggered from much further away than I'd expected.  Will definitely have to be more careful with it in the future.

Overall, I'm still really enjoying the mod. It's definitely become a bit more challenging to start a new character with the recent changes and it's getting really hard to survive for very long if you're not in some sort of group but I still find the core experience intensely enjoyable despite its quirks and the genuine stress and unease it often invokes in me. :)

Shout Out: Sidestrafe

Since I'm trying to make this a weekly post, I thought it would be cool and fun to try to advocate other gaming-related things on the net that I think are worthwhile. This week, I'd like to direct your attention to a YouTuber who goes by the name "sidestrafe." He focuses a lot on gameplay commentaries about a wide variety of titles like "DayZ," "World of Tanks," "Tribes: Ascend" and "Blacklight: Retribution." I really like his commentary style for the most part and I enjoy that he covers games that are a little more obscure and interesting than what you see on a lot of other channels.

His stuff's not perfect, but he clearly puts a lot of effort into it and there's way more good on his channel than bad. Definitely worth a look if you ask me.

The End of an Era

Those of you who remember me from "Gaming's Edge" will recall that I used the pseudonym "VT" on that site for a variety of reasons. One of those was as a stage name for the band "VT & Yukon" that I formed with the other writer for the site as part of our gaming-themed comedy schtick. Even though I was the straight man, the Abbott to his Costello so to speak, I always felt the persona helped create a necessary separation between me as a person and the content we were creating, which was often very experimental and hit and miss in terms of quality.

Long story short, the last vestige of that era, the "Music of VT & Yukon" web site will be going offline for good at the end of the month and I'll be pointing its domain and the domain that currently points to it here starting July 1st.

As much as I enjoyed making that music with Yukon, it never really caught on in the way we'd hoped it might and we agree that after nearly five years without recording anything new, it's time to put "VT & Yukon" to bed. Our two albums, "Vortikon" and "Level Up" will remain on iTunes and other digital distribution platforms should anyone want to check them out, but if you want any of the free songs we released for promotional purposes, you'll need to grab those this week before the site goes away.

The Music of VT & Yukon -

VT & Yukon (iTunes)

No development update this week. Need to get a few things nailed down before I can talk about them in a meaningful way. Stay tuned!

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