Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Thoughts on War of the Roses

The video game industry, like many others, is driven by trends. A particular style of game becomes popular and seemingly overnight there are a slew of other titles attempting to build on or simply duplicate it.

Fortunately, "War of the Roses" is much more than just a duplication of the multiplayer component from "Mount & Blade–" the game it most resembles. It brings a bevy of new features and a refined level of presentation and gameplay that make it stand out in the increasing pool of medieval, team-based, multiplayer games available to those of us who are into that sort of thing.

To simplify things: If the idea of roaming around castles and countrysides with medieval infantry and cavalry to secure objectives and slaughter your enemies sounds like something you'd be into, you should play this game.

If you're looking for a single-player experience or more elaborate game mechanics, you should probably look elsewhere.

"War of the Roses" does a handful of things exceptionally well. The feel of its combat system is fantastic. The level of customization it offers in terms of weapons, armor and perks is second to none in the genre and it sounds as beautiful as it looks. Having said that, you will not find much in it beyond the core gameplay I've described. That's not necessarily a bad thing but you should go into it knowing that it is a game purely focused on team-oriented, multiplayer combat. It does all of that extremely well but that is all there is to it.

Still not sure if "War of the Roses" is right for you? Check out this video!

War of the Roses (via Steam)

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